Many Cats returned to the Fringe Theatre, this time at EGX Rezzed at the Tobacco Docks in London. This time we were presenting a panel on disability representation in video games.

It was great to see a packed room to listen to the open discussion on how games are currently representing people with disabilities, learning difficulties and mental health issues. Moderator Chris Goodyear of Many Cats Studios opened the discussion.
To start the panelists discussed finding good examples which was a hard challenge even for advocates of disabilities! Though they respected the attempts at disabled characters, they cited that there is still a long way to go.
Panelists then deep dived into the world of the bad. Bad examples of how disabilities are shown in video games are more apparent from Hollywood autism to characters just 'getting over' their disabilities.
The panel ended by giving advice to developers on how to do better.
Errol Kerr from Game Assist recounted the best response he had received on creating a good character with autism - have two!
Panelists included:
Errol Kerr - Co-Founder of Game Assist
Sara Khan - Co-Founder of Game Assist
Sightless Kombat - Gamer without sight
Katie Goode - Developer at Triangular Pixel
Lily Boulle - Ex-Marketing at Square Enix and Founder of Sleep Siren
Listen to the full panel below:
For those deaf or hard of hearing click here for transcribed version.