Last year Microsoft made significant head way in releasing their first adaptable controller to better enable people living with disabilities to play the games they want.
Positively received by both consumers and the industry, it's great for us at Many Cats to see a big titan of the industry really go back to people that play their games and thinking about how they play.

There are many gamers that have great difficulty in using the unspoken industry standard of the handheld controller, whether that be physical conditions that meaning they do not have the same mobile ability as others or medical conditions that mean they can not keep up the stress of holding certain buttons. Introducing a pad with personal customization mean it is putting control back to the player and most important normalizing different ways you can play.
A worry for me about the controller is the current price tag of £74.99(rrp) could be a barrier to some disabled gamers in a time where disabled people have had significant cuts to benefits and services.
Many Cats will definitely be watching Microsoft to see how they continue their support to disabled people in 2019.