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DNA of Games Trailer

Hi, my name is Chris Goodyear, founder of Many Cats and your host for DNA of Games.
Standing for disability, neurodiversity and accessibility of games.
This podcast series is all about getting to know disabled and neurodiverse developers and professionals in the gaming industry.

Just to find out how they got into games and how their lives have been shaped by their conditions.

[Antonio Martinez] When people say oh Antonio you're an expert or whatever
like I'm not an expert I just played games for all my life and I know what works for me.

[Nickie Harper-Williams] But it was it was frustrating because I was basically treated as though I was, I was stupid and I didn't know I didn't know what I was talking about.

[Chris] Most importantly finding out what they love about gaming

[Antonio] That game I have that game on the my twitter account banner for that reason. And have a poster of that game behind my door.
Because every time that I feel unmotivated or I need a reminder of why I do what I do or why I look at that again and think.

That game opened my eyes to the fact that there isn't... I am not the problem.

[Nickie] Okay this is cool because one it's a girl on the screen, two she's badass, three she likes archaeology
which is cool in my book and I became a little bit obsessed with her.

[Dom Shaw] As a profession and as a career,
it is definitely the highlight because obviously like I said it's inspired my career
and look at me now! [Chris in interview] Yeah

[Chris] So join us every two weeks as we release a new episode with getting to know another disabled or neurodiverse developer in the industry.
and you might just meet someone who is just like you.

[Chris in interview] Other people that maybe neurodiverse themselves will go oh you know Dom's all right we're talking about it it I feel more okay about talking about it now and it's going to have that like domino effect with more and more people. You know, the whole reason why this podcast... [Dom] Absolutely. [Chris] you know made the industry more
comfortable with talking about disability and neurodiversity.
You know because we have to be more comfortable and then you know it doesn't feel abnormal to be an autistic individual. And you know it's not abnormal to have a disability. 

[End] {Music plays in background}

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