Many Cats Studios is excited to bring video games and fostering together to enable carers and social workers to be equipped with the most up to date issues around games and gaming culture.

We cover topics from age ratings, family controls, the cost of gaming and careers in video games. Many Cats even offers a tailored made service for your service so that training can cover what your foster carers and workers need most.

current topics
Many Cats can cover a range of interesting and in-depth around gaming, technology and culture. Get in touch to learn more about the range of topics we cover, from PEGI ratings to autism in gaming.

bespoke training
We understand that every service will have a diverse set of foster carers and workers so we have a great bespoke service to evaluate the training needs of your service.

the child's voice
Many Cats is ensures that the child's voice is heard in the content provided in training. We also offer engaging workshops and career advice for young people interested in video games.